The Best Way To Survive; If Trapped In The Desert With Only A Car That Is Broken Down

When driving or walking through the desert, the road seems endless. There is nothing around for miles and miles. Nothing but desert plants, dry sand, and heat. If your car should break down, and you find yourself stuck in the desert, learn how to conserve water and survive until rescue.
Set one of your tires on fire. They produce an inky black smoke that will be visible for miles. Also, they burn for a really long time too.
When a tire field catches fire it produces a smokestack that is visible for huge distances. And these tire fires are actually really difficult to put out too because they reignite themselves from within due to their composition.
I’d space out when you burn each tire though. The rescue search might not start until after you’ve been missing for a while.
Also — don’t leave your car — that is usually how people die. Too often, a rescue team gets to a car only to find it is empty.
Wear clothing that minimizes sweat loss. Most of your body's water loss happens through perspiration. Cover as much skin as possible with loose, light-weight clothing. This will trap the sweat against your skin, slowing evaporation and therefore water loss. For this reason, it's probably best to go with a cotton undershirt rather than a wicking fabric.
Cover it all with a light windbreaker.
Wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and gloves.
Pack wool or fleece clothing. If an emergency occurs, you may be traveling at night, when it can get quite cold.
Light-colored clothing reflects more heat, but dark clothing usually provides better protection from UV light, which causes sunburn. If possible, find white clothing that's labeled with a UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) of 30+
Signal for help. Building a fire is a great way to make a signal, creating smoke during the day and light at night. While in transit, keep a signal mirror in reach to reflect light at passing aircraft or distant cars.
If you plan to stay in one spot until rescue, place rocks or objects on the ground to write SOS or a similar message, readable by aircraft.

How long does it take to die in the desert?

Dying from dehydration is generally not uncomfortable once the initial feelings of thirst subside. If you stop eating and drinking, death can occur as early as a few days, though for most people, approximately ten days is the norm. In rare instances, the process can take as long as several weeks.

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