Nigeria women of nowadays carrying nobility and power

Nigeria women of nowadays

What is a woman to men? Women are objects of possession to the inferiority of all men. The woman has always been the lower level of power between the two sexes, male and female.

the power and voice of the women become inferior to the one of the men.

Women Gender roles can have the ability to dictate one person’s power over another. When sexuality is explored, a person is either left satisfied or unsatisfied with the outcome.

Nigeria women in year 2020 are more exercising patients in term of marriage, because they are looking for a stabilize home where they can do exploit.

most of them are really learning from past experience not to rush into marriage.

Nigeria women as a societal gender have increasingly advanced from being seen first as solely objects of maternality, to later seen as functioning and flourishing members of society. Through the analyzation of well known ancient art sculptures.

In recent years women were mostly viewed as the housewives and mothers instead of being involved in society.

there is a clear indication women thrive to have more power than they are originally granted. In fact, women want to be able to have a say in the important aspects of their community such as wars they lose their husbands to or the amount that may result to.

women have come a long way from just a short 200 years ago when the sole purpose of a woman’s existence would be restricted to finding a husband, reproducing, and devoting the rest of her life to her family. A woman’s lack of education would be taken advantage of, leading her to be victim to harsh objectification by society. Women have fought to acquire gender equality – and to an extent still are. A breakthrough are been prove in their recent contributions.

Women back then were expected to care for the children and the household. They were not allowed to vote and interfere in politics. The power between men and women was unequal and unfair. During the revolutionary, the women became a little more involved in politics; they became more patriotic.

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