Jadeite is a pyroxene mineral with composition NaAlSi₂O₆. It is monoclinic. It has a Mohs hardness of about 6.5 to 7.0 depending on the composition. The mineral is dense, with a specific gravity of about 3.4.
The most important source is the large deposit near Tawmaw, Myanmar (Burma). Jadeite has also been found near Omi and Kotaki, Japan; in the Motagua River valley of Guatemala; in San Benito county, Calif.;Kazakhstan; and the Ural Mountains, Russia
Jade bracelets, which are believed to be effective in combatting rheumatism, are worn by many people to this day. ... Thanks partially to Chinese demand, rare imperial green jade, a translucent stone that's been compared to fine emerald, is the most expensive gem in the world, worth more per gram than diamonds.
How can you tell real jadeite from fake?
Check The Density Of Jade
If you have a piece of real jade, clink it against the stone in question. If it sounds like plastic beads, then the stone in question is probably fake. Both jadeite and nephrite have a very high density (jadeite - 3.3; nephrite - 2.95).
• Red Diamonds – $2 – 2.5 million per carat
A red diamond is a diamond which displays red colour and exhibits the same mineral properties as colourless diamonds. Red diamonds are commonly known as the most expensive and the rarest diamond colour in the world, even more so than pink diamonds or blue diamonds, with very few red diamonds having been found.
Why Are Red Diamonds Red? Colored diamonds typically get their fancy hue from chemical impurities such as nitrogen and boron, but red diamonds contain zero impurities; they're actually all pure carbon. The red comes from a rare deformation in the atomic structure.
Red diamonds can cost at least US$1 million per carat, and most of the known specimens are less than half a carat.
• Serendibite – $1.8 – 2 million per carat
Serendibite is an extremely rare silicate mineral that was first discovered in 1902 in Sri Lanka by Dunil Palitha Gunasekera and named after Serendib, the old Arabic name for Sri Lanka. The mineral is found in skarns associated with boron metasomatism of carbonate rocks where intruded by granite.
Serendibite only appears at the depths between 996m and 999m. However, within the very tight space it sits in, it is one of the most commonly generated ores. Sometimes you can get serendibite as commonly as five in a straight line.
Serendibite is a very rare gem that comes in colors of dark blue, blue green, light yellow and black. Most face table crystals are very dark blue to opaque black.
• Blue Garnet – $1.5 million per carat
Blue Garnet Gemstone. ... Similar to MalaiaGarnet, the gem is a blend between Pyrope and Spessartine Garnets. The colour change is more pronounced than that of Alexandrite and is caused by the presence of vanadium.
Prices range from $500 a carat for good colors with some inclusions, to $2,000 to $7,000 for clean larger stones with top color. Demantoid garnet is the rarest and most valuable of the garnets and is one of the rarest of all colored gemstones.
• Rubies – $1,000,000 per carat
Good quality and Gem quality Ruby- Precious, rare and durable can range anywhere from $750 per carat to $10,000+ per carat depending on the 4c's of cut, color, clarity and carat weight. Other parameters that will affect the Ruby price will be lack of treatments, Origin etc.
Diamonds are a 10. This is another reason ruby is so highly valued, along with the deep color and gorgeous shine. Rubies can have fluorescent properties, which causes them to exhibit more brilliant shades of red when placed in sunlight. Fluorescent varieties are highly valued for this glowing property.
Continue reading more expensive minerals
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