Fiction: The Den Of Delilah. (18+)

I arrived at the venue of the workshop a quarter to ten. The workshop was supposed to start by ten in the morning, so I was still on time. There was already a crowd in the hall. They were prospective customers who had come to listen to how our new ponzi scheme, The Money Machine (TMM) worked.

I mounted the podium and gave my short speech. I knew there would still be a lot of questions from the audience, so I made my speech short. Just like I had thought, many hands were raised to ask questions when I finished the speech. I took time to answer them. Somebody asked if the whole thing was not a scam. Another asked if it would not crash the way a popular ponzi scheme crashed some time ago. I explained painstakingly, and they listened raptly. At the end, almost a third was ready to invest in the scheme. Helen, my assistant was busy giving out forms to them and explaining certain things. Some, still came around to meet me and make further enquiries. Among the last set that I attended to was a pretty lady called Alero. She expressed her eagerness to start with an investment of twenty thousand naira. I asked Helen to give her a form to fill. Alero got my number.

'I don't really like this kind of scheme,' she said. 'But the way you've spoken has convinced me.' 

I nodded. It was good to know that I had got the Midas touch. 

I was happy business was booming. Later in the evening, I went to the joint where I normally cooled off after the day's job. I had asked Helen to meet me at the joint. Apart from being my assistance, she also served as my side chick. I was on the second bottle of the lager beer when she came. It was already eight in the night and the place was brimming with customers.
'Order for whatever you want,' I said.
She smiled. 'I'll order for my usual.'
That her usual was a bottle of malt drinks and a plate of pepper soup. 

We chatted idly. Few minutes to nine, I had taken enough, so I stood up.

'Let's dash to my place,' I said.

She understood what I meant and she nodded. That was one of the things I liked about her.

We went in my newly purchased Toyota Corolla. The joint was ten minutes drive from my residence, a two-bedroom flat at Aguda, Lagos. We were soon in the house. The PHCN had taken electricity as usual. I used the torchlight on my phone to find my way in the house.

'Are you not going to put on the generator?' she asked.

'Not now,' I said. 'I know how to find my where here.' I grabbed Helen's boobs and caressed them.

'Not now,' I said. 'I know how to find my where there.' I grabbed Helen's boobs and caressed them.

'Hey, take it easy,' she protested lightly
'I'm sorry,' I muttered. 

But for the light coming from a neighbor who had put on his generator, the room would have been in total darkness.

However, I was right in saying I knew how to find my way around. I certainly knew how to find my way in removing her blouse and unhooking the bra. I could not see the nipples, but my touch made me know they were ready for action. 

However, I was right in saying I knew how to find my way around. I certainly knew how to find my way in removing her blouse and unhooking the bra, and going on the lustful trip with her.

Just then, I heard the shout of 'up NEPA' from the neighborhood. I sighed. Our action had been electrifying, even in the absence of electricity.

Before Helen left that night, I gave her a monetary bonus, which she deserved. 

The following morning, I was in my office at Aguda as early as seven thirty. I had a lot to do on-line and I felt the earlier I set out, the better. Helen came in some minutes after eight, meeting me already working.

'Good morning, oga Steve,' she greeted.

'Good morning, Helen. How was your night?'

'Good to hear you.' I stole a look at her. She was pretty, slim but busty. She wasn't really my kind of girl, but I always had admiration for ladies that were busty.

Ladies were my weakness. I had tried to live an austere life; a very strict and puritan life. But each time I tried, I always failed. 

My mind must be weak. I actually - mostly - believed women were the best gifts of sex and that life would have been nothing without sex.

At thirty five, many of my school mates had settled down for marriage. 

Right now, I didn't even have a fiancée. In the last three months, I had considered Uchechi, Kemi and even Helen good enough for marriage, but sex remained my priority.

The problem was once I had that sex, I would not consider the lady as being good enough for marriage again. 

I went back to work and tried to concentrate. One thing was I worked hard. I love to work. Perhaps, that was the thing I did whole heartedly apart from sex. 

I continued with my work. In between, there were several calls I received. I didn't know time had moved so far until Helen came to ask me what I would like to have for lunch. 

I looked at the time on the laptop and was surprised it was few minutes to one o'clock. I whistled softly to myself.

'Buy any food you'll like to have for me,' I said.

She grinned and went to buy a good lunch.

I went back to work and tried to concentrate. One thing was I worked hard. I love to work. Perhaps, that was the thing I did whole heartedly apart from sex. I continued with my work.

In between, there were several calls I received. I didn't know time had moved so far until Helen came to ask me what I would like to have for lunch. I looked at the time on the laptop and was surprised it was few minutes to one o'clock. I whistled softly to myself.

'Buy any food you'll like to have for me,' I said.

She grinned and nodded. I removed a thousand naira note from my purse and gave it to her. 

Some minutes later, she was back with rice and beans, fried plantain and chicken. I had not eaten since morning, so I stopped to take my lunch.
After the meal, I went back to work.

I had a call from Alero, one of the people that had responded positively to our brand marketing.
'I just call to know if all is well,' she said.

I wondered what that meant. 'All is well,' I replied.

'I've been doing some marketing for you people,' she went on.

'That's good. Remember you'll get ten per cent of the value of the amount the depositors brought as referral commission,' I told her.

She paused slightly. 'Good. Thanks.'

'You're welcome.'

The line went dead and I went back to work. A couple of hours later, Alero called again. 'There's a prospective customer I've told about you and your business. She's the madam I worked for. I actually showed her the video recording of your presentation yesterday. She's quite impressed, but she still needs a little bit of persuasion. If we can arrange how you can meet with her. I think she'll be a 'very big catch.''

I listened very raptly. I must take an action.

'Where is the madam, and when can I meet with her?'

'It's good that you've agreed to see her. I'll discuss with her, and she'll pick a time that is very convenient for her.'

'That's okay. Let me know as soon as you get her to say the time she wants me to come.'


Again, the line went dead, and - again - I went back to work. More calls came in from people making enquiries and those who wanted claims on bonuses and others. 

Alero didn't call me again until noon the following day.

‘Madam Biola Amigos will like to see you today,' she informed. 

'Good. What time and where?'

'At the Diamond Star Stores, Ikeja. Two p.m.'

‘Where in Ikeja is the store?

She gave me the address. I knew that area. 'I'll be there. Thanks.'

I continued in the office till few minutes to one o'clock.

'I'll be going out to see a client,' I told Helen.

'Okay, sir.' She added a smile. 'Bring something.'
I nodded and left the office. 

Under normal circumstance, my office to Ikeja was just about thirty minutes’ drive, but you could never tell with Lagos traffic. I drove slowly in the stream of traffic. 

About two minutes to one o'clock, I was at the big stores. There were many activities going on there. The store dealt in exotic women's clothes and fabrics. Alero was behind a small desk where she was overseeing the sales girls. She gave me a smile and beckoned. 

'Good day,' I greeted.

'Welcome. This way, please.'

I followed her to the extreme end of the store where there was a door. She opened the door. 

There was a short passage and there were two doors: one to the left and one to the right. Alero opened the door to the right. 

There was a modest office there with a big desk but few files. The office smelt of exotic perfume and one would be quick to deduce that whoever owned it must be very fashionable or must be dealing in fashionable items.

Behind the desk was a fair in complexion lady who very much looked like a fashionista. She must be middle aged, probably in her mid-forties. She was pretty, but she had the airs of the world around her. Her white blouse looked like designer's wears and the leather bag she placed on the desk was certainly designer's own.

Okay, sir.' She added a smile. 'Bring something.'

I nodded and left the office. Under normal circumstance, my office to Ikeja was just about thirty minutes’ drive, but you could never tell with Lagos traffic. I drove slowly in the stream of traffic. About two minutes to one o'clock, I was at the big stores. 

There were many activities going on there. The store dealt in exotic women's clothes and fabrics. Alero was behind a small desk where she was overseeing the sales girls. She gave me a smile and beckoned. 

'Good day,' I greeted.

'Welcome. This way, please.'

I followed her to the extreme end of the store where there was a door. She opened the door. There was a short passage and there were two doors: one to the left and one to the right. Alero opened the door to the right. 

There was a modest office there with a big desk but few files. The office smelt of exotic perfume and one would be quick to deduce that whoever owned it must be very fashionable or must be dealing in fashionable items.

Behind the desk was a fair in complexion lady who very much looked like a fashionista. She must be middle aged, probably in her mid-forties. She was pretty, but she had the airs of the world around her. Her white blouse looked like designer's wears and the leather bag she placed on the desk was certainly designer's own.

'Well done, ma,' Alero said. 'This is Mr. Stephen, the man from the TMM.'

The woman regarded me briefly.

'Good afternoon, madam,' I greeted.

'Good afternoon.' She motioned me to a seat.

'Thank you.' I sat down gingerly. 

Alero took her leave.

'I understand you're interested in our ponzi scheme, madam,' I said.

She nodded. 'Tell me about it.'

I nodded too and cleared my throat. I had to bring my best oratorical skill to work, knowing fully well that if we could get her patronage, there would be big money from it. 

She listened raptly and I had no doubt that I did a job. After I had finished she sighed and I thought a smile briefly dance in her face.

'I don't really like money doublers and ponzi schemes,' she said. 'I'm a business woman and I know how to make clean money from my business. I however like the way you talk.'

She listened raptly and I had no doubt that I did a job. After I had finished she sighed and I thought a smile briefly dance in her face.

'I don't really like money doublers and ponzi schemes,' she said. 'I'm a business woman and I know to make clean money from my business. I 
however like the way you talk.'

I beamed in smile. 'Thanks for the compliments,' I replied.

'But I'll give your scheme a trial.'

My smile widened. 

'Did you say the maturity for deposit is fourteen days?'

'Yes, madam.'

She nodded. 'Alright. I'll put half a million naira and see how it goes. When I see how genuine it is, I'll invest more. Who knows, I may even introduce my friends to it.' 

I gave a slight bow. 'Many thanks, madam.'

'Give me the company's name and account.'

I came prepared. I gave her a form to fill and my complimentary card which was customized to contain the company account's name and number.

She called Alero on the intercom.

'Give my guest some drinks,' she instructed. Alero looked at me.

'Any soft drinks will be okay,' I said. She nodded and went to get it while Madam Biola Amigos filled the forms. The malt drink was soon brought and as I took it, I calculated how much to make from her. I'm sure that after two weeks, just as she said, we would get more business from and 
through her.

She finished filling the forms. 'Here we are.'

I got the forms from her, briefly went through and put them in my folder. 

'I'll soon transfer the money to your company's account,' she said.

I stood up. 'Thank you very, very much for your interest and time,' I said.

'Hope you guys will not disappoint me o,' she replied.

I tried a reassuring smile. 'There won't be anything like disappointment. I can assure you of that.'

She nodded and I took my leave. At the big shop, Alero was attending to a customer.

‘I’ll be calling you,' I told her and left the big shop. I drove back to my office at Aguda. As soon as I stepped inside the office, the text message of the deposit alert of Madam Amigo's investment entered my phone. Just as she said, she had invested half a million naira. I grinned to myself. 

Honestly, this business was cool and good.

Helen came to meet me. 'How did it go?' she asked.

'Fine and smooth. She has invested five hundred thousand naira to start with.'

'Oh good.'

I agreed. 'Indeed, very good.'

Not long after this, Alero too called. 

'Did my madam invest something?' she asked.

'Yes. Half a million naira. Do you want to invest the money, or do we pay your ten pecent bonus to your account number, or you want to come and collect cash?'

'Please, pay into my account,' she replied. 'Thank you very much.'

'You're welcome.'

Few minutes to five, I rounded off what I was doing. I shut down my laptop and went to meet Helen at the front office.

'How far? What's your plan for tonight?'

She grinned. 'Sorry Mr. Lover-man, I'm seeing him tonight.'

I knew what she meant. 'Alright.'

After leaving the office, I went to my regular joint to cool off. I was still on my first bottle of beer when my phone rang.

'Hello,' I spoke into the mouthpiece.

'Hello.' It was Helen on the line. 'Are you still at the joint?'

'Yes. What happened?'

'He called me just now to say he would not be making it again, that he would be delayed at work till only God knows when.' 

'Oh, sorry about that.' I grinned to myself. The fact was I was glad about the development.

'I'll come and meet you there now,' she said.

'You know what? Let's meet at my house. I'm going home now.'


I sipped the remaining drink and beckoned at the sales girl.

After leaving the office, I went to my regular joint to cool off. I was still on my first bottle of beer when my phone rang.
'Hello,' I spoke into the mouthpiece.
'Hello.' It was Helen on the line. 'Are you still at the joint?'
'Yes. What happened?'
'He called me just now to say he would not be making it again, that he would be delayed at work till only God knows when.' 
'Oh, sorry about that.' I grinned to myself. The fact was I was glad about the development.
'I'll come and meet you there now,' she said.

'You know what? Let's meet at my house. I'm going home now.'


I sipped the remaining drink and beckoned at the sales girl.

'How much is my bill?' I asked.

She smiled coquettishly. 'Oga, you dey leave so soon?'

'Yes. I have a visitor waiting for me in the house. How much is the bill?'

She told me and I gave her a thousand naira note.

'Keep the change.'

'Ah, thank you, oga.'

I waved at her and left the place. I was soon at my residence. I switched on the television and settled for a sports channel. It was an old football match that I found boring. I changed the channel, but none of them looked exciting. I went to the refrigerator in the kitchen and opened.

There were some cans of beer there. I took two cans and returned to the sitting-room

Just then, the front bell chimed. Helen had arrived.

I opened the door for her.

'Hello,' she greeted.

'Hi,' I replied.

She took one look at the two cans on the stool and made for the kitchen. She soon came back with two cans - this time, cans of coke.

I grinned.

'Why is that your boyfriend is always disappointing you?' I asked.

'No mind am. He said it's work.'

I shrugged. One man's loss is another man's gain.

'And why're you sitting quite far from me?' I asked.

She grinned and moved to sit right by my side on the sofa.

'That's better,' I said and wrapped my right hand across her shoulders. We took our drinks.

'If I say I'm not perplexed, I'll be deceiving you. I don't understand him at all.'

I grunted. 'You've got to have faith.'

'Thanks, Steve.'

I nodded. Anytime we were together like this, she called me Steven, but in the office, it was oga Steve or Mr. Stephen Alowe.

I rubbed her shoulders. 'I like your hairstyle,' I said, changing the issue. Her errant boyfriend was the least of my concern.

'Thank you.'

I touched the hair. Indeed, the weave-on was done very well and it fitted her perfectly. But my hand did not stay on the hair for long. It soon went to her chest. She closed her eyes. That was very encouraging. 

'The door is not locked,' she muttered.

That was true. 'Can you go and lock it?'

I touched the hair. Indeed, the weave-on was done very well and it fitted her perfectly. But my hand did not stay on the hair for long. It soon went to her chest. She closed her eyes. That was very encouraging. 

'The door is not locked,' she muttered.

That was true. 'Can you go and lock it?'

Intermittently, I kissed her luscious lips. After some minutes, my hands went to her waist and her skirt. I zipped it down. She had to stand on her feet to get the skirt and pantie down.

I unzipped too, pulled down my trousers and boxer and put her on my lap again. This time around, not for long. I had to raise her up in order to make my prick enter her equally eager pussy. She did the jerking up and down - from that position, she had to be the one. My phone rang. At that moment, even if the richest Nigerian called to say he was interested in TMM, I would have ignored the call as I did.

Minutes later, we changed position. She sat on the sofa with her legs wide spread. I had to be in a kneeling position to take her. She clung on to me. Now, I was the one doing the jerking. I was good in that, I must say. How did I know? Simple. Many ladies had said those so, including Helen, the one currently at the center of attraction. Like every other thing, there was a beginning and an end. I climaxed and concluded the marathon race of lust. 

Helen remained with me till minutes to nine in the night. Thankfully, her Ogba residence was not far away. We had each other twice within the time she was around. No meal, but drink, chat and copulate.

I gave her some money as transport fare, though I knew what I gave was much more than what she would pay the 'okada man.' But she was worth it. Helen was a worthy companion and partner. 

I accompanied her up to where she would take the bike. 

'Good night, my dear,' I said.

She smiled and waved at me. As soon as the bike zoomed off, I returned to the house. I hadn't taken my phone along and it was ringing by the time I stepped inside my flat. I picked it up, but it stopped ringing. Altogether, I had seven missed calls. They would call back. My clients always called back.

More coming...

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