Why do Catholics baptise their babies?
Infants are to be baptised because they are children of believers who stand in surety for them until they "come of age" and are bound to the same requirements of repentance and faith as adults.
Traditional Catholic Baptism Process
A Catholic baptism ceremony is, indeed, a ceremony. There is an entire process that takes place during the course of the infant'sbaptism, which typically takes about 20 to 30 minutes
Priests touting water guns filled with holy water are christening babies
I am very much amused by this
Mildly disturbed
What do godparents have to say at a Catholic christening?
Enquires of them what they ask of God's church for "name of child," or other such words. The parents might answer, "Baptism," or "Entrance into the Church," or another similar response. Then the priest asks thegodparents if they are ready to help the parents in their Christian duty to the child.